How ‘’GREEN’’ are your buildings?
Have you thought about how your facility could save a lot of energy (and money) by installing LED lighting?
Have you heard that you lost tenants because they think you are costing them more than your competitors?
Your old lighting system is costing you and your tenants money and wasted energy
With an updated lighting system from Bramal LED you and your tenants will not only benefit from a financial stand point, you will also realise the following by implementing sustainability best practices:
60 %
Energy savings
Reduce Cooling Requirements
Increased Green rating
and LEED Credits that will enhance leasing potential of your spaces
Reduce Maintenance costs
a “ballast free” lighting system = Zero maintenance!
About 95 percent of all operating costs tie into Utilities, Maintenance, janitorial and security, with about 70 to 75 percent of those in the first two areas, it is important to track and improve for example on lighting that represents 35 to 40 percent of Utilities.
An easy and quick solution is with Bramal LED and you will provide:
- Clean, bright consistent lighting for your tenants
- Lower monthly costs per SQ.FT
- Improved employee wellbeing and safety
EX: You LEASE 100,000SF at $17.00/SF (Net rent $9 – Operating budget – $5 – Utility $3.00 of which lighting represents $1.20/SF), well we can reduce those charges by up to $0.61/SF or $61,000/ year, therefore, you can lease the space for $16.59/SF instead.
See below details of the range of direct savings you will experience.